Tyrone "Alimoe" Evans who was also known as "The Black Widow" passed away last week from complications of a seizure. He was 37. Alimoe was one of the best basketball players to ever come out of Harlem. He was most publicly known for his streetball skills touring with the And1 Mixtape Tour, appearing in cities around the country and on television and video tapes. But anyone who saw him play knows he should have played in the NBA and would have been very successful. Take it from former NBA star, Shaquille O'neal, who said, “He was 6-7. He could handle the rock. He could shoot. He actually had the whole package, and he should have been in the league. Rest in peace, Alimoe. Love you, brother.”
Thanks for the memories Alimoe.
Tyrone "Alimoe" Evans - Photo from streetball.com