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District Attorney's Office Drops Charges Against Bronx Teen Jateik Reed

Press Release from National Lawyers Guild

On January 26, 2012, 19-year-old Jateik Reed, an African-American male from the Bronx, was brutally beaten and arrested by several New York City Police Department officers from the 42nd Precinct. The beating was caught on tape and the footage was widely circulated on the internet.
            On the morning of March 7, 2012, the Office of Robert Johnson, District Attorney of Bronx County, moved to dismiss all seven of the charges against Mr. Reed stemming from the January 26, 2012 beating, which included two assault charges, three drug possession charges, and a harassment charge. The DA’s Office said on the record that it had investigated the case and that it could not prove any of the charges beyond a reasonable doubt. Bronx Criminal Court Judge Seth L. Marvin granted the DA’s motion and dismissed the charges.
            On February 9, 2012, Mr. Reed’s family, supporters, and attorneys called for NY Governor Andrew Cuomo to appoint NY Attorney General Eric Schneiderman as special prosecutor to  investigate and prosecute the NYPD officers who beat Mr. Reed on January 26, 2012.
            The day after Mr. Reed’s beating, the Bronx DA’s office brought a second set of charges against Mr. Reed, allegedly arising from a cell phone robbery that occurred on January 20, 2012. Mr. Reed’s next court appearance on those charges is April 27, 2012.
Mr. Reed is represented by veteran criminal defense and civil rights attorney Michael W. Warren and Gideon Orion Oliver, President of the New York City Chapter of the National Lawyers Guild.

Gideon Orion Oliver
Attorney at Law
299 Broadway, Suite 806
New York, New York  10007-1901
(212) 766-8050 (w)
(646) 349-2914 (f)
(646) 263-3495 ©

Of Counsel, Law Office of Elizabeth M. Fink

Support the National Lawyers Guild – New York City Chapter! -
Rally for Jateik and Ramarley Graham
Video of Jateik Being Beaten By NYPD

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    Office said on the record that it had examined the case and that it couldn't demonstrate any of the charges past a sensible uncertainty.
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