Jury selction began today in the trial against George Zimmerman who shot and killed Trayvon Martin. He is facing second-degree murder charges. All eyes will be on this trial we're hoping that the Martin familiy will get justice.
Below is a video we shot during the Million Hoodie March for Trayvon Martin in New York City. The energy of the group was strong that day and we need more of this unity. The words of the speaker in the video(Brian Jones) continue to ring true. The perception of black and brown men being criminals has pervaded our society. The murder of Trayvon Martin is yet another tragic result of this. From racial profiling and stop and frisk to mass incarceration and the school to prison pipeline the list of other negative results of this supported structural racism are too many.
If you can stomach it, take a look through some of the comments in response to this video under the youtube link. This video went viral with over 50,000 views and 900 comments. A very large amount of the comments are blatantly racist and extremely nasty. Though racist comments are not rare to youtube it's important to note the number of varied authors of these comments.
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This music video tells why Trayvon Martin is dead~