All Things Harlem & Beyond - news, info and newsworthy links
Scenes from the Millions March In Harlem

August 13, 2011
Dr. James McIntosh speaks to the crowd at the Millions Harlem March on August 13, 2011. He addresses the need for unity within our communities and asks the crowd if they are willing to give their lives for the cause of Africa.
Herb Boyd, Harlem Journalist from the Amsterdam News, shares his thoughts on global perspective and the people's need for a larger overarching view of the forces and practices of those that oppress.
- Also watch coverage of Minister Louis Farrakan's Speech from the Nation of Islam's
Happy 85th Birthday Fidel Castro

Fidel's 85th Birthday passed this Saturday August 13, 2011. Here is some footage from his trip and speech in Harlem in 1995.

Event - Millions March In Harlem on Saturday August 13, 2011

Stop and Frisk and police abuse are a global issue and seem to have played a roll in the London riots.

BBC - Darcus Howe, a West Indian Writer and Broadcaster speaks to BBC the London riots. He informs BBC about the bad relationship between the police and the youth community and tensions building over time. Mr. Howe, speaks of how his own grandson says he can't count the amount of times he has been stopped and searched.
Mr. Howe also has to put the BBC reporter in check at the end of this interview for her rude line of questions.
Kevin Durant Playing at Dyckman Park - Uptown

August 4, 2011. Kevin Durant continued to showcase his basketball talents in New York City by hooping it up at a packed at Dyckman Park, in uptown Manhattan. Durant made the crowd lose control when he shook up Michael Beasley and blew buy him for a slam dunk.
Also check out Harlem's own Teyana Taylor looking great at the game.
NBA's Kevin Durant Lights up Rucker Park for 66 points

Kevin Durant put on a show to remember at Harlem's Rucker park.

New Copwatch video - NYPD Stop and Car Search
July 30, 2011 - NYPD officers stop and search the car of 2 men in Harlem.
Joseph "Jazz" Hayden films the incident and questions the officers as to why they are searching the man's vehicle. The officers point their flashlights at the camera the majority of the video to hide their faces.
Jazz and footage from Allthingsharlem's Copwatch appear On NY1 story

Group Vows To Highlight NYPD Misconduct In 2013 Mayoral Race
NY1 - Concerns of police misconduct and excessive ticketing may become an election day issue as members of the Urban Justice Center begin a new campaign aimed at reforming the way officers interact with the public. NY1's Dean Meminger filed the following report.
"Malcolm X: A Search for Truth" Exhibit Open at the Schomburg

Opens Friday, July 15, 2011 through Saturday, January 7, 2012
Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture - Malcolm X: A Search for Truth will provide the general public an opportunity to examine materials from the Malcolm X collection. The Malcolm X collection is unique in that it contains a wide range of speeches, sermons, radio broadcasts, diaries, correspondence, and other documents handwritten by Malcolm X or typed and edited at his direction. Most significantly, Malcolm X: A Search for Truth will offer the public fresh new insights into the nature of his thoughts and development, as well as his multifaceted, at times seemingly contradictory, persona and personality.
A Different Look at Libya

What do you really know about Libya? Why are President Obama and NATO engaged in a war with Libya? Do you support this war?
watch videos below..
( - Minister Farrakhan exposed the U.S. and NATO's criminal War Libya and Africa during a June 15, 2011 Press Conference at the UN Plaza Hotel. Also presenting were former U.S. Attorney General Ramsey Clark, Human Rights Activist Viola Plummer and International Actitivst Cynthia McKinney.

Michelle Alexander Speaks at Riverside Church, in Harlem
May 21, 2011 was supposed to be the end of the world, well, it was the end of the world as many of us knew it when they heard Michelle Alexander dissect the criminal "injustice" system in America and its progeny---The New Jim Crow and mass incarceration in the age of Colorblindness. See more video...
Harlem's PS 161 Students Get a Visit From Beyonce

These Harlem Students got a chance to dance with Beyonce for her new "Move Your Body" Workout dance which is part of Michelle Obama and the White House's, "Let's Move!" campaign.
The Schomburg Center's Incoming Director

Dr. Khalil Gibran Muhammad
The new Director of the The Shomburg Center of Research In Black Culture is interviewed by Danny Tisdale of Harlem World Magazine.
***Dr. Muhammad's interview begins shortly after minute 16:00***
Let us know what you think so far about Dr. Muhammad?
Al Sharpton Vs. Cornel West - Heated Debate Over President Obama

Whats Your Critique of President Obama So Far?
Things got a little heated on MSNBC's show focusing on, The Black Agenda.

Holiday Wine Guide

Want to give a bottle of wine as a holiday gift but not sure what to buy? All Things Harlem with a budget-friendly gift guide that will have everyone giving a toast --to you! For more information on the products shown, please go to
Story filmed, written and edited by LHRN
Sidewalk Stories

Sidewalk Stories from All Things Harlem on Vimeo.
He's simply known as "The Chalk Man." This neighborhood artist writes word scrambles, math problems, and inspirational quotes on the sidewalks of Harlem in colored chalk. Who he is? And, why does he do it? Find out.
Story by: LHRN

Sanitation Dept. Faces Cuts

Melvin Alston interviews sanitation workers following news of the coming cutbacks to sanitation services in the city. This video was produced for allthingsharlem and the National black programming consortium

Stories from the NYC Marathon

Allthingsharlem and the National Black Programming Consortium were out early on Marathon Day. Here's what we captured...
Story by: LHRN
Harlem Bar & Restaurant Crawl

Great food. Cool drinks. Deep discounts—at some of the hottest spots uptown. All in the same night!
Experience Harlem, an online guide to dining, entertainment, and culture, created the Harlem Bar & Restaurant Crawl to give residents a chance to dine at some of the neighborhood establishments for a discount.
From what's cooking inside the kitchen of Melba's restaurant, to a tequila tasting at Harlem Vintage, to what Harlemites have to say, allthingsharlem and the National Black Programming Consortium are giving you an exclusive inside look at the evening.
Writer/Producer/Editor: LHRN
Charlie Rangel thinks newly elected Republican are the real embarrassment.

Election Night at Congressman Charlie Rangel's Political Club
On Election night Tuesday, November 2nd Congressman Charlie Rangel was asked, "What impact will a Republican majority have on Congress?"
He comments on what he thinks of election results and what he calls, some "very strange people in the mix." - referring to new candidate elected to the House and Senate.