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Entries in Al Sharpton (2)
Mayoral Hopefuls Debate at National Action Network in Harlem

On January 15, 2013 potential Democratic Mayoral candidates debated issues at Al Sharpton's Nation Action Network headquarters in Harlem. The annual event was in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Community members and other politician were also in attendance.
The potential candidates included City Comptroller John Liu, Public Advocate Bill Deblasio, City Council Speaker Christine Quinn, Former City Comptroller Bill Thompson and former City Council Member Sal Albanese. They discussed issues important to the Harlem community like, improving education, the NYPD's stop and frisk policy, and who they would make next police commisioner.
Click on the picture below for video of the debate.
Skip to 01:41:00 for beginning of debate and also look for other parts labeled MLK JAN 15, 2013 PART 3 and PART 4
Screenshot from NAN Mayoral Debate
All Things Harlem's take on this debate is that the candidate with the most clear answers to the questions was John Liu. For example, he was the only candidate to make a clear distinction on the issue of stop and frisk saying that he would do away with the policy completely. All the other candidates answers were much more ambiguous but were leaning more towards reforming the program and not ending it.
What do you think about the debate? Do you have a better idea of who you would support in the Democratic primary?
Al Sharpton Vs. Cornel West - Heated Debate Over President Obama

Whats Your Critique of President Obama So Far?
Things got a little heated on MSNBC's show focusing on, The Black Agenda.