He's gone... He blew up America and will be profoundly missed. Our deepest condolences to his family and all those like us that loved and respected him. A powerful man and mind. A true poet. It was an honor being able to meet and document this giant.
Below is a video of a conversation we had with Amiri at the Harlem Book Fair in 2009. He discusses President Obama and critics who do nothing. Under that is another video from All Things Harlem, of Baraka's amazing and controersial poem, "Somebody Blew Up America" which he recited at an event marking the 40th anniversary of the Attica Prison rebellion at Riverside Church in Harlem. Enjoy!
The niggerazation of America...courage is in short supply...a spineless Democratic Party...poverty and truth telling...the counter revolution is winning." Cornel West discusses Attica, its history, and the current state of affairs in the United States.
Amiri Baraka recites his famous and controversial poem on 9/11, entitled, Somebody Blew Up America.
Amy Goodman of Democracy Now!, asks a panel to respond to what were loud cheers heard in support of the Death penalty at the September 7, 2011 Republican debate on MSNBC. Joseph "Jazz" Hayden responds to the question asking how does a "Christian Nation" who follows Christ support the death penalty, which is the same thing used to crucify Jesus.
Dhoruba Al-Mujahid Bin-Wahad explains that we live in a police state.
He addresses the importance of recognizing that we live in a police state and that we need to decentralize public safety of public safety. Also that we need community control of our communities.