JOIN our “Construction Jobs Now” picket line
10am Wednesday, November 9
Columbia University @116th St. & Broadway
Right now, Columbia University has many new construction/non-construction jobs in a billion-dollar expansion program. Asians, African-Americans, Latinos and women are being denied a fair share of the work. President Bollinger, WE NEED REAL JOBS to put women and workers of color in Columbia’s construction workforce immediately. We demand not only fairness but jobs to bring us up to par after centuries of discrimination. Hundreds of thousands of our unemployed need real jobs now, not next week not next year but now!
We can’t wait patiently, idly at a time where unemployment is reaching new high. We need a real jobs program put together by serious people rather than the same bulls*** that’s been going on for centuries.
Why should construction workers with decades of experiences have to be apprentices? Why are young (white) boys from Rockland, Suffolk, Essex, and Orange counties being ushered into the work, sponsored into the union? And we’re still waiting? How many local people have they hired?
Our Congressman is being used as a shill for Columbia University. Bill Lynch Associates is their well-paid house Negro, hired to silence the voice of the people.
We are the voice of the unemployed people the 99% who make less than $30k
WE WANT JOBS NOW WE NEED JOBS AND WE NEED THEM NOW! Any program of Columbia that fails to deal with ongoing unfair hiring practices is unacceptable. We need the support of students/staff in our struggle.
Billions of dollars are bypassing us – and staying in the hands of Columbia’s 1%
For info: contact FIGHTBACK at 212-962-1371 or email:jhjameshaughton@gmail.com