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Former NYPD Members Speak, "From Behind The Blue Wall of Silence"

PROP (Police Reform Organizing Project) recently held a public forum that featured Current and former NYPD officers speaking about and critiquing their experiences working for the NYPD.  They addressed NYPD tactics such as Stop and Frisk as well as the departments use of Compstat.  The event was Moderated by Graham Rayman of the Village Voice, who has done excellent invstigative reporting on the NYPD.  Panelist included: Carlton Berkeley, President of Brothers and Sisters Who Care and former NYPD Detective 2nd Grade; John Eterno, Professor at Molloy College and former NYPD Captain; Jeff Kaufman, high school teacher in Brownsville and former NYPD Officer Counsel; Anthony Miranda, Chair of National Latino Officers Association and former NYPD Sergeant; Colleen Meenan, practicing attorney, former NYPD Sergeant, and former executive director of the Gay Officers Action League (GOAL); Adhyl Polanco, current NYPD Officer; and Graham Weatherspoon, Black Law Enforcement Alliance and former NYPD Detective. 


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    Former NYPD Members Speak, "From Behind The Blue Wall of Silence" - Copwatch - News, Video, Opinion
  • Response
    Response: clenbuterol
    Former NYPD Members Speak, "From Behind The Blue Wall of Silence" - Copwatch - News, Video, Opinion

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