The purpose of this page is to document the police activity in our neighborhoods. If you have a video or story you would like to submit please send us and email at info@allthingsharlem.com.
Harlem CopWatch, Friday April 13th at the Harlem State House between 125th and 126th and 6th Ave at 8pm Members of the Campaign Against the New Jim Crow, OWS, Liberation Summer, and other organizations against racial injustice are planning to flood Harlem streets with Cop Watchers on Friday the 13th. The action will involve activists filming police as they engaging in stop-and-frisk or make arrests. After the police have left the scene, a media van will arrive to project videos about racial injustice and rights violations, hand out flyers on the subject, and generally speak with and reach out to people in the neighborhood. The group is requesting legal observervation to discourage police from arresting filmers, as in the case of Jazz Hayden, who has been arrested for filming police and who will be participating in the event. There will likely be multiple groups of CopWatchers working simultaneously.