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NY Times Map and Stats On NYPD, Stop and Frisk Tactics

Stop, Question and Frisk in New York Neighborhoods

New York (NYTIMES) New York City’s police force, in its fight against crime, has increasingly used a strategy known as “stop, question and frisk,” which allows officers to stop someone based on a reasonable suspicion of crime. One expert has estimated New Yorkers are stopped at twice the national rate. The impact on crime is much debated, and critics contend disproportionate stopping of minorities is a result of racial profiling, which police officials dispute. 


Reader Comments (1)

Hi Mr Jackson, the city bus drivers and transit operators in this city are horrible. They zigzag and drive to fast and have no respect for their riders or the speed limits. Twice since I've lived in the neighborhood,I've been a resident of Harlem for 20 years, I almost got nixed by a bus, that is the new buses that run on diesel fuel. Recently I was at St. Nicholas and Amsterdam Ave for a morning appointment with the Physical Therapist 437 Broadway. That area is heavy residential and very busy, the traffic at the red light is backed up for miles. I was trying to get across the street and a city bus zoomed passed me and lightly tooted his horn. I guess he made a hasty decision to not run me down. I don't understand his hurry because he was stopped by the RED LIGHT! The last time I had a close call with a bus it was in that very area. I wrote a letter to the city, or mta and they replied because I included the bus number and day and time that it happened. I didn't have that information this time because it all happened so fast. I have observed a lot or activity in that area in the morning, around noon and at night. I visit the George Bruce library which is located there, not to mention a huge project complex with a playground and also a firestation that is always actively doing something. Because of the library, project buildings, and local businesses, Baskin Robbins, and Dunkin Donnuts children are always around and busing themselves. Perhaps a couple more red lights, and children's crossing signs would solve the problem. I think this area is part of the area you represent, very near Columbia Univ on 125th and Amsterdam Ave. I don't want to get hit by a city bus, but things do happen. I remember recently a charter bus carrying a group of Chinese toursit returning from Moheegan Sun ran of the road and killed 15 passengers. I've also been on a chartered bus to Moheegan Sun, I remember the ride too, the bus driver was very reckless and risky driving fast with a busload of 75 people who paid a good fee of $135 per person to go on this tour and also Nordic Lodge( Lobster Feast). We returned at night too, however at the Nordic Lodge the bus driver sat down to eat with us and we all gave him a piece of our mind for recklessly driving fast on a road built for horse and buggy . The general requirements to operate a city bus don't even consist of a high school diploma. And the bus drivers and transit operaters too drive like they are on crack and cocaine. I am hoping that you can bring this matter to the attention of those who are responsible for addressing complaints in this area. And also try and get more red lights and school crossings for the area in question.

Thank you!

Prudence Conner

May 20, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterPrudence Conner

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