The New Jim Crow
The purpose of this page is to share information and generate movement building on the issues of mass incarceration and the criminal justice system. The goal is to end this racial-caste system coined as, The New Jim Crow. This page is inspired by the book The New Jim Crow, by Michelle Alexander. Alexander's book has brilliantly unraveled the plan to criminalize young Black and Brown men in America and provides solutions to fight this injustice system. We recommend all who are interested in these issues to, Read and share the book. & watch Michelle Alexander speak here.
Entries in Njc book list (1)
NJC Book List - Slavery by Another Name

- Watch Author Douglas A. Blackmon on CSPAN Book TV
Douglas Blackmon talked about his book Slavery By Another Name: The Re-Enslavement of Black Americans from the Civil War to World War II, published by Doubleday. He talked about the laws enacted between the Civil War and World War II that limited the rights of blacks. During this time, blacks who committed minor crimes were forced to do hard labor for commercial interests. That day was the 100th anniversary of the arrest of Green Cottenham, who was the central character of his book. Mr. Cottenham was sentenced to hard labor in conditions that would eventually kill him. Mr. Blackmon talked about the history of racism in America and read several passages of his book. He responded to questions from members of the audience. - CSPAN