★ ★ ★ PACK THE COURT!★ ★ ★
Brother Shep’s (Shepard P. McDaniel)
Court Appearance
Thursday, November 15, 2012 – 9:00 AM
The Bronx County Hall of Justice
(The "new" Court House across the street from the shopping mall)
265 East 161st Street
Part TAP1 Lower Level
During this past Spring's "Bogus Weapons Case" against Bro. Shaka Shakur; "Original" Black Panther Party Veteran and longtime community activist Sadiki "Shep" Ojore Olugbala was identified as a leader, politically targeted and unjustly arrested inside of the Bronx Criminal Court house for his experienced supervision in the orderly departure of both Bro. Shaka's attorney and his many supporters from the courtroom. This arrest was made at the same time that several other court officers were engaged in a heated discussion with Bro. Shaka’s noted activist attorney Michael "Tarif" Warren in regards his objection of the court officers overall disrespect towards those people who had come to the trial in support of Bro. Shaka. Unfortunately, despite yet another court victory by the people The State has decided to still make an example of Bro. Shep in order to have him imprisoned and; To continue its current city-wide court campaign to "intimidate & curtail" the growing peoples movement to "Pack The Court House" in support of both organizers and/or the victims of Police Terror by the NYPD. Finally, in addition to the criminal charges in Bro. Shep's case, is the very real question of whether or not the people can actually receive a fair and unbiased trial when both the arresting NYS Court Officers and the presiding NYS Court Judges personally know, socialize and work with each other on a regular basis. This legal contradiction, as well as the aforementioned City- Wide Court Campaign to violate our 1st Amendment Constitutional Rights both inside & outside the courthouse, will be addressed during this trial as well.
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