The People Power Movement holds a community conversation in Harlem

The People Power Movement held its monthly community conversation at Harlem's Metropolitan AME Church on February 23, 2012. This discussion was entitled, "Free The Mind" and included panelists, Joseph "Jazz" Hayden, Claudia De La Cruz and Shaka Shakur. Below are video from the panelists.
The People Power Movement holds community conversations every 4th Thursday of the month. For more information email
Shaka Shakur
Claudia De La Cruz
Joseph "Jazz" Hayden
Reader Comments (2)
Keep the pressure on City College, especially Sophie Davis where professional roles are ranked by race and not ability. There are qualified and capable minority professionals who should be in the policy making body of the school; but instead they are toiling as low ranking staff members. I hope People Power would follow this up with an investigation. The Physician Assistant debacle is but a tip of the iceberg. Keep up the good work! More Power to the People.