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Rally for Jateik Reed and Ramarley Graham - NYPD is Guilty - 02/04/12

The beginning of 2012 has been marked by the NYPD's rein of terror. First, NYPD officers brutally beat 19 year old Jateik Reed then days later they forcefully broke into the Bronx home of 18 year old Ramarley Graham where they killed him in cold blood.  Activists and community members organized to rally against the inhumane and terrorist tactics that the NYPD continuously inflict on Black and Brown communities with Stop and Frisk and unwarranted surveillance and harrassment in these communities. The People want answers and demand that the NYPD are convicted of these crimes against humanity.


Videos of Rally

NYPD is Guilty - 42nd Precinct

In Front of Jateik's Building

"An Eye for an Eye"

Pack the Courthouse in support of
Jateik and his family.

Monday - Feb. 6th - 9am
Bronx Criminal Court
265 East 161st Street, Bronx, NY


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    Response: news feed
    I have realized that of all types of insurance, health insurance is the most marked by controversy because of the struggle between the insurance policies company's need to remain profitable and the consumer's need to have insurance policies. Insurance companies' commissions on well being plans are very low, therefore some corporations ...
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    Response: News today
    You can certainly see your enthusiasm in the work you write. The sector hopes for even more passionate writers such as you who aren't afraid to mention how they believe. All the time follow your heart. "In America, through pressure of conformity, there is freedom of choice, but nothing to choose ...
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    Rally for Jateik Reed and Ramarley Graham - NYPD is Guilty - 02/04/12 - All Things Harlem - News, Video, Opinion
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    NFL is truly 1 of the biggest sports in America. It has a big following.
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    Response: xovilichter
    Rally for Jateik Reed and Ramarley Graham - NYPD is Guilty - 02/04/12 - All Things Harlem - News, Video, Opinion

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