Jazz Speaks to NY1's Natasha Ghoneim outside Manhattan Criminal Court
Jazz Hayden along with a large group of supporters packed Manhattan Criminal Courthouse inside and out on the morning of July 31, 2012. They were there demanding that District Attorney Cyrus Vance drop the charges against Jazz Hayden. The charges against Jazz are seen to be retaliation for his filming and scrutiny of police activities in the Harlem community.
The Judge set another date for Jazz's case on October 11, 2012 in anticipation of a grand jury indictment. The grand jury will be convened sometime during September (TBA). The supporters plan to mobilize around both events of these dates.
To keep up with Jazz's case or get involved go to
David Galarza speaks to the importance of filming police activities in our communities to show the truth in whats going on. He describes a recent video he shot of an NYPD officer fondling and body slamming a young teenager. He tells of how the news reported it as a good job by the officer while his video tells a different story.
While David is speaking you will notice that one of the court officers behind him is filming him and the group of supporters. Why? And what will they do with this tape we don't know.