We at Still Here Harlem Productions/All Things Harlem, support John C. Liu for Mayor of the City of New York.
Allthingsharlem.com is a community based website that is dedicated to providing a voice for the Harlem community and all communities of poor people of color.
After observing and interacting with John Liu for the last five (5) years we are totally impressed with his commitment to resolving the issues critical to fairness and justice in communities of poor people of color. He has been at countless events over these past few years fighting for justice for victims of racial profiling by the NYPD. As a City Councilman and City Comptroller he has made the connections between the money that has been wasted upholding policies of racial profiling rather than building up caring communities. Chief among these issues has been the policy and practice of Stop & Frisk. John C. Liu’s position on this critical issue has been and remains “Don’t mend it, End it!” He is still the only candidate to take this clear and brave position of completely abolishing the policy. The other Democratic candidates for Mayor only promise to reform or tweak the policy of stop and frisk without getting rid of it.