The purpose of this page is to document the police activity in our neighborhoods. If you have a video or story you would like to submit please send us and email at info@allthingsharlem.com.
45th Precinct Residents File Complaint Against Abusive NYPD Officers
Groups March in Protest of Student Harassment
People Power Movement - Bronx, NY – A group of Bronx residents gathered on Monday, May 7th, at 3:30pm across the street from Lehman High School and marched to the 45th NYPD precinct to file a lawsuit against two police officers accused of harassment against Lehman High School student Malik Ayala.
Ayala, 16, became the target of police harassment in the hallway of his school, while waiting to take an exam. Ayala was engaged in conversation with some of his fellow students, and demands were made for his ID, records, and documents, first by Peace Officers, then by his Dean and then by the NYPD. Ayala was told that the literature he planned to hand out to fellow students was illegal because it had the Black Panther logo. He was then issued a summons for disorderly conduct. As a result of the time he spent with officers, Ayala was forced to miss that very important examination.
Less than two weeks later, Ayala noticed a young man being arrested in the subway and began to record the police actions with his cell phone. Officers demanded to see the phone, slammed him against the wall, and searched him despite Ayala’s refusal to agree to let them do so, which was his legal right. Once again, Ayala was served with a summons for disorderly conduct.
This is not a unique case. Local youth, predominantly of color, often go through the same experience daily in their schools and communities. On Monday May 7th we will march with fellow students and residents of the Bronx community to file complaints against officers who are harassing youth of color.
In schools where the majority of the student body is comprised of youth of color from working backgrounds, young people are treated not as students, but as criminals. There are metal detectors, peace officers, and the NYPD is called in routinely. Apparently the aim is to condition the students to be subjects of a police state, to create an atmosphere of intimidation and to establish a pipeline from schools to prisons.
For more information email: peoplepower@live.com or call: 212-537-4439
Report and Video from a witness who was nearby the incident.
March 27, 2012. Harlem, 135th and 8th ave at approx 3:00pm. The aftermath of cops throwing teen through window because he was standing around near a Trayvon Martin protest group after school I am not sure if the kid was involved with the protest. Let's make sure this cop is accountable for his excessive abuse!!
We are still trying to find out more details about this incident. Anyone with information please email info@allthingsharlem.com
(NY Daily News) - July 13, 2011. A Bronx teen said two cops roughed him up when he mouthed off after one of them stepped in a pile of dog doo.Read Full Story