All Things Harlem
The Hornblower

Jazz Hayden                           - Opinion Blog

The New Jim Crow


Still Here Harlem Productions


Harlem/NYC CopWatch


The purpose of this page is to document the police activity in our neighborhoods.  If you have a video or story you would like to submit please send us and email at

Entries in map (1)

Map of NYPD, Stop and Frisks with Statistics 

An interactive map that allows you view stop and frisk statistics block by block. 

The New York Times 

Stop, Question and Frisk in New York Neighborhoods

New York City’s police force, in its fight against crime, has increasingly used a strategy known as “stop, question and frisk,” which allows officers to stop someone based on a reasonable suspicion of crime. One expert has estimated New Yorkers are stopped at twice the national rate. The impact on crime is much debated, and critics contend disproportionate stopping of minorities is a result of racial profiling, which police officials dispute.  - The New York Times

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Also, read the accompanying article and watch the video below on NYPD, stop and frisk tactics at work in Brownsville Brooklyn.