The purpose of this page is to document the police activity in our neighborhoods. If you have a video or story you would like to submit please send us and email at info@allthingsharlem.com.
We have gotten to know "Nycresistance" from his work videoing police incidents in our communities over the past few years. If you haven't had the chance to view any of his work you need to take a look. He is a true fighter for justice and truth and All Things Harlem commends him to the utmost. His work further reveals the depth of the misconduct, harassment and human rights abuses of the NYPD carries out in communities of color.
Make sure to check his great videos on his youtube channel or his blog.
Arrests were made as the the Silent March to end stop and frisk winded down outside Mayor Bloomberg's home in New York City. As some of the remaining groups and people continued to protest and began changing their silence into noise, the massive presence of the NYPD formed up quickly in attempts to stamp out what remained of the march.
With orders coming over the phone from their bosses the chain of command took over and the NYPD management, (the guys in the suits on their phones) informed their captains (the guys in white shirts) to instruct their minions (the foot soldiers in blue) to begin to to clear 5th Avenue and push people onto the sidewalks and in between the barricades surrounding Mayor Bloomberg 's home. They did this by using their normal military apparatus of Motor Scooters, vans, batons, big orange netting, tons of zip tied handcuffs, police camera crew (TARU) etc.
With these tools they still relied on what they know best, brute force and intimidation along with a few arrests in hopes that this would disperse the crowd. In this situation they chose to arrest the biggest baddest most intimidating people of the group first - (young women).
All the while members of crowd chastised the police for their actions and challenged them to think about what they were doing and what they were supporting in their actions.
While passing through the train station we stumbled on NYPD rookies training on other human beings without any regards for their feelings or dignity; for some minor offense. The events depicted in this video are routine for Black and Brown men.
The police are looking for a suspect in a car accident. The description of the suspect is that he wore blue jeans and a grey shirt, no weight, height, or other notable features. The gentleman being detained is in a Harlem bar eating a meal. The cops come in and treat him like a suspect because "he fits the description", along with half the people in Harlem. These policemen were obvious rookies.
Yet, another example of the NYPD's stop and frisk policy at work. On February 23, 2012 we passed 2 men being stopped and frisked outside of their car in Harlem. It turned out that the police stopped them because of the vehicles tinted windows. During the stop the driver had trouble finding his drivers license. Both men were told to get out of the car and had their bodies frisked. After their bodies were frisked the NYPD proceeded to search the vehicle.
While the men were standing at the back of the car the driver searched his pockets again and was able to find his license. At this point the NYPD took down all of the drivers information and let both him and the passenger go with no tickets or traffic violations.
Add another worthless stop and frisk to the 700,000 that take place in New York City each year. More people human rights were violated for no reason whatsoever other than driving while black in Harlem.
Full Video
If you are a young black man in NYC this data proves that chances are you will to be stopped. In many cases more than once. In a letter to the editor of the NY Times. Lazar Treschan, Director of Youth Policy Community Service Society of New York points out...
"Our analysis of 2009 stop-and-frisk data for the New York police shows that 94 percent of stops in 2009 did not lead to an arrest. The analysis also showed that there were 132,000 stops of black men 16 to 24. This is particularly striking since according to Census Bureau data that we examined, only 120,000 black men of that age lived in New York City in 2009. So on average, every young black man can be expected to be stopped and frisked by the police each year."
"We cannot accept that so many young people experience their lives this way, particularly at such a formative stage. Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg’s recent Young Men’s Initiative made little attempt to address stop-and-frisk policy. We must stop treating young black men like criminals and start thinking of them as potential assets to our recovering and growing economy and society. Until we do, our efforts to improve their education and employment prospects will be hollow." - Lazar Treschan
What do you think about this data? Is every young black man in New York City a potential criminal?
Ashley Gilbertson/VII, for The New York TimesThis young 23-year-old man gives us detailed accounts of the many stop and frisks that the NYPD has conducted on him during his short life. He helps shed light and give us a personal account of the damage this racist practice of Stop and Frisk causes on individuals and the community as a whole.
Why Is The NYPD After Me?
By: Nicholas K. Peart
NY Times - WHEN I was 14, my mother told me not to panic if a police officer stopped me. And she cautioned me to carry ID and never run away from the police or I could be shot. In the nine years since my mother gave me this advice, I have had numerous occasions to consider her wisdom.
One evening in August of 2006, I was celebrating my 18th birthday with my cousin and a friend. We were staying at my sister’s house on 96th Street and Amsterdam Avenue in Manhattan and decided to walk to a nearby place and get some burgers. It was closed so we sat on benches in the median strip that runs down the middle of Broadway. We were talking, watching the night go by, enjoying the evening when suddenly, and out of nowhere, squad cars surrounded us. A policeman yelled from the window, “Get on the ground!”
I was stunned. And I was scared. Then I was on the ground — with a gun pointed at me. I couldn’t see what was happening but I could feel a policeman’s hand reach into my pocket and remove my wallet. Apparently he looked through and found the ID I kept there. “Happy Birthday,” he said sarcastically. The officers questioned my cousin and friend, asked what they were doing in town, and then said goodnight and left us on the sidewalk.
Read Full story at the NY TIMES
Watch full video below
- Hear from the officers as well as the men who were searched.
July 30, 2011 - NYPD officers stop and search the car of 2 men in Harlem.
Joseph "Jazz" Hayden, Founder of allthingsharlem.com films the incident and questions the officers as to why they are searching the man's vehicle. The officers point their flashlights at the camera the majority of the video to hide their faces.
After the stop, the two men who were stopped and searched gave an interview to allthingsharlem.com about how they felt racially profiled and would be filing a complaint with the Civilian Complaint Review Board against the officers.
On May 26, 2011 David Jones, CEO of the Community Service Society compared police conduct in NYC to apartheid South Africa. Chief William Morris of NYPD North EVADED the issue in his response.
The New York Times
New York City’s police force, in its fight against crime, has increasingly used a strategy known as “stop, question and frisk,” which allows officers to stop someone based on a reasonable suspicion of crime. One expert has estimated New Yorkers are stopped at twice the national rate. The impact on crime is much debated, and critics contend disproportionate stopping of minorities is a result of racial profiling, which police officials dispute. - The New York Times
Also, read the accompanying article and watch the video below on NYPD, stop and frisk tactics at work in Brownsville Brooklyn.