The purpose of this page is to document the police activity in our neighborhoods. If you have a video or story you would like to submit please send us and email at info@allthingsharlem.com.
Ashley Gilbertson/VII, for The New York TimesThis young 23-year-old man gives us detailed accounts of the many stop and frisks that the NYPD has conducted on him during his short life. He helps shed light and give us a personal account of the damage this racist practice of Stop and Frisk causes on individuals and the community as a whole.
Why Is The NYPD After Me?
By: Nicholas K. Peart
NY Times - WHEN I was 14, my mother told me not to panic if a police officer stopped me. And she cautioned me to carry ID and never run away from the police or I could be shot. In the nine years since my mother gave me this advice, I have had numerous occasions to consider her wisdom.
One evening in August of 2006, I was celebrating my 18th birthday with my cousin and a friend. We were staying at my sister’s house on 96th Street and Amsterdam Avenue in Manhattan and decided to walk to a nearby place and get some burgers. It was closed so we sat on benches in the median strip that runs down the middle of Broadway. We were talking, watching the night go by, enjoying the evening when suddenly, and out of nowhere, squad cars surrounded us. A policeman yelled from the window, “Get on the ground!”
I was stunned. And I was scared. Then I was on the ground — with a gun pointed at me. I couldn’t see what was happening but I could feel a policeman’s hand reach into my pocket and remove my wallet. Apparently he looked through and found the ID I kept there. “Happy Birthday,” he said sarcastically. The officers questioned my cousin and friend, asked what they were doing in town, and then said goodnight and left us on the sidewalk.
Read Full story at the NY TIMES
Another example of the disgusting practices of the NYPD that occur everyday in communities of color. This time a light gets shined on the situation because it happened to this young college student. No one should be subject to this type of treatment. - ATH
NY Times - Early in the morning on Oct. 22, a Saturday, Ms. Zucker, 21, and her friend Alex Fischer, also 21, were stopped by the police in Riverside Park and given tickets for trespassing. Mr. Fischer was permitted to leave after he produced his driver’s license. But Ms. Zucker, on a visit to New York City with a group of Carnegie Mellon University seniors looking for jobs in design industries, had left her wallet in a hotel two blocks away.
NYPD doing what they do best. Harassing and arresting protesters for in attempts to scare and deter at Day 4 of Occupy Wall Street.
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