The purpose of this page is to document the police activity in our neighborhoods. If you have a video or story you would like to submit please send us and email at info@allthingsharlem.com.
Entries in professional agitators (1)
Activists in Harlem Labeled as Professional Agitators by the NYPD

Susan Watts/New York Daily NewsWhen local activists Christina Gonzalez and Matthew Swaye arrived to attend their local 30th Precinct Community Board Meeting they were surprised to see a picture of their face hanging in the precinct labeling them as "professional agitators."
Christina and Mathew have been fighting to end the NYPD's policy of Stop and Frisk and have been doing this by taking videos of the NYPD in their Harlem neighborhood and posting the videos to their youtube channel. They feel their videos and outspoken opposition to the police force have made them targets on NYPD. This flyer would have us agree with them.
The NYPD recently made another effort to intimidate the couple and other Stop Stop and Frisk activists by showing up in front of their home after a Stop Stop and Frisk Meeting. See Full Details Here.
We at All Things Harlem salute the courageous work of Christina and Matt. They are true fighters who have sacrificed a lot and brought a lot of attention to the issue of Stop and Frisk and police abuse in New York City.
Here is a great example of the types of the Copwatch videos they do and have posted to their youtube channel.