All Things Harlem
The Hornblower

Jazz Hayden                           - Opinion Blog

The New Jim Crow


Still Here Harlem Productions


Harlem/NYC CopWatch

The Hornblower

- vlogs, editorials and thoughts from Joseph "Jazz" Hayden - Founder of "Still Here" Harlem Productions and   The story behind The Hornblower goes like this...

Entries in stop & frisk (1)

TSA Abuse--Nothing New

CNN producer note

HarlemProd, of New York, New York, wants people to realize that the TSA frisking procedures are nothing new. 'Millions of American's are subject to this same kind of treatment everyday in their own communities, through police stop and frisk policies, said HarlemProd. 'Why does it take the TSA to start doing this to mainstream Americans for those mainstreamers to say, "Hey, now this is wrong?'

- nhieatt, CNN iReport producer