The Hornblower
- vlogs, editorials and thoughts from Joseph "Jazz" Hayden - Founder of "Still Here" Harlem Productions and The story behind The Hornblower goes like this...
Entries in the story behind the hornblower (1)
The Story Behind Hornblower
THE HORNBLOWER A professor of political science announced that he would be taking the class on a graduation trip to an island in the Pacific where they would get a chance to witness democracy, in its purest form, in action. When they arrived at the island a referendum on a very important issue to the whole island population was being debated and was scheduled for a vote. Because of the geographical smallness of the island, and the population, full participation of the island population was possible. Unlike in the United States where people had to vote by paper and electronic ballots from one end of the country to the other, the people of this island voted directly. The method of voting was by blowing their horns.