Organizing to Reform the NYPD Forum - Police Reform Organizing Project (PROP)

Video From the Conference - December 1, 2011
Robert Gangi, long time Director of the Correctional Association, has formed a new organization called PROP, Police Reform Organizing Project, which is seeking radical reform of police practice-- specifically practice such as Stop/Frisk and its racialized practice in poor communities of color.
King Downing is a lawyer, public speaker, community organizer, activist, and a member of the Campaign to end the New Jim Crow (CENJC), which co-sponsored the conference. "Racial Profiling is a deliberate policy". "Stop and frisk is a diversion" to distract us from corporate crime.
Brother Shepp, of the New Black Panther Party, a community organizer and activist asked the panel at the PROP Conference held at Riverside Church on December 1, 2011 addressed the question of reform v. radical change in police community relations. Shepp called for community control. It was a novel idea to some of the panelist.
For more information on PROP visit
A Tale of Two Cities. Khary Lazarre-White, Esq. is a well known New York activist, lawyer, and educator. The statistical data for "stop/frisk" confirms that this is a NYPD policy and not an accident. The practice of stop frisk is also racist in its application, it targets young black and Latino male youth.
Candace Tolliver, Lead Organizer, New York Civil Liberties Union (NYCLU) was a panelist at the PROP Conference held at Riverside Church on December 1, 2011.
Sanayi Beckles was a panelist at the PROP conference. She is with the families for Fair Policing. She is the mother of five sons and lives in Harlem, NY. She says, "we feel safer with the drug dealer on the corner than she does with the police."
References (5)
Response: Windows vps hostingOrganizing to Reform the NYPD Forum - Police Reform Organizing Project (PROP) - The New Jim Crow - News, Video, Opinion
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Response: calgary resume servicesOrganizing to Reform the NYPD Forum - Police Reform Organizing Project (PROP) - The New Jim Crow - News, Video, Opinion
Response: jeux machine a sous pirateOrganizing to Reform the NYPD Forum - Police Reform Organizing Project (PROP) - The New Jim Crow - News, Video, Opinion
Response: Link SchwartzOrganizing to Reform the NYPD Forum - Police Reform Organizing Project (PROP) - The New Jim Crow - News, Video, Opinion
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