The New Jim Crow
The purpose of this page is to share information and generate movement building on the issues of mass incarceration and the criminal justice system. The goal is to end this racial-caste system coined as, The New Jim Crow. This page is inspired by the book The New Jim Crow, by Michelle Alexander. Alexander's book has brilliantly unraveled the plan to criminalize young Black and Brown men in America and provides solutions to fight this injustice system. We recommend all who are interested in these issues to, Read and share the book. & watch Michelle Alexander speak here.
Entries in Organizing to Reform the NYPD Forum (1)
Organizing to Reform the NYPD Forum - Police Reform Organizing Project (PROP)

Video From the Conference - December 1, 2011
Robert Gangi, long time Director of the Correctional Association, has formed a new organization called PROP, Police Reform Organizing Project, which is seeking radical reform of police practice-- specifically practice such as Stop/Frisk and its racialized practice in poor communities of color.
King Downing is a lawyer, public speaker, community organizer, activist, and a member of the Campaign to end the New Jim Crow (CENJC), which co-sponsored the conference. "Racial Profiling is a deliberate policy". "Stop and frisk is a diversion" to distract us from corporate crime.
Brother Shepp, of the New Black Panther Party, a community organizer and activist asked the panel at the PROP Conference held at Riverside Church on December 1, 2011 addressed the question of reform v. radical change in police community relations. Shepp called for community control. It was a novel idea to some of the panelist.
For more information on PROP visit