THE BRONX COUNTY CRIMINAL COURTPart B 215 East 161st Street(near Sherman & Sheridan Avenues) Take theC, D or 4 train to the Yankee Stadium/161st Street Station. or take the BX 6 or BX 13 Bus to East 161st Street & Sheridan Avenue; the BX 1 to East161st Street & Grand Concourse
Bro. Shaka, a coordinator of the Peoples Survival Program (PSP) in Harlem was arrested at work after a taskforce of police agents raided his apartment in the Bronx with a baseless warrant. In the course of the raid the police also took the opportunity to violate the home of veteran Black Panther Cyril "Bullwhip" Innis under the guise of an alleged search for illegal weapons. Save The Date and come out on Wednesday, February 15, 2012 @ 9:00AM as we collectively "Occupy The Bronx Courthouse" in support of those who actively fight against The US Prison Industrial Complex and it's related .........................Racist Police Terror by the NYPD.
Update on Tuesday, February 21, 2012 at 11:26AM by
The supporters of Shaka Shakur gathered outside of the Bronx Criminal Court after his court appearance to be updated by Attorney for Shaka Michael Tariff Warren on February 15, 2012. Thanks for all who turned out and hope to see you at Shaka's next court date will be on April 18th, 2012. UNITY!
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