Founder Sharon Washington and Fly Students at Awards Ceremony
At the end of last school year All Things Harlem had the opportunity spend time with and learn more about an amazing local organization offering College Preparatory programs for high school students called, The Fly Academy (Fierce Leadership for Youth). We also produced a short video for their organization that highlighted one of their greatest accomplishments in their first year.
On October 26, 2012 Brother Shep had to appear in court to answer a disorderly conduct charge pinned on him following a confrontation with some overly aggressive court officers following a court appearance by Shaka Shakur. The court officer who charged Brother Shep did not appear and the case was postponed.
9:00 AM SHARP!
During the spring trial of activist Shaka Shakur, veteran Black Panther and long time community activist Sadiki "Bro. Shep" Ojore Olugbala was unjustly targeted as a leader in the campaign in support of Shakur and arrested inside of the Bronx Criminal Courthouse. This arrest was made while other court officers were engaged in a heated discussion with activist attorney Michael "Tarif" Warren about the court’s treatment of and disrespect towards Bro. Shaka’s supporters.
Despite winning Shakur’s acquittal, District Attorney Robert Johnson and the courts have decided to make an example of Bro. Shep by attempting to imprison him, contributing to a current city-wide campaign to intimidate the growing movement of both organizers and the victims of police terror by the NYPD.
The prosecution of criminal charges against Bro. Shep shows all too clearly the illegal restrictions on activists demonstrating their courtroom support by wearing political buttons and t-shirts, as well as the harassment of activists expressing their basic civil liberties by leafleting outside of the courthouse. His arrest also raises the question of whether those facing criminal charges in the Bronx can actually receive a fair and unbiased trial, given the close personal and professional ties between the arresting NYS Court Officers and the judges.
Defend Bro. Shep and support the campaign for justice for all those who struggle against police violence and terror. Drop the charges now!
Bronx Assemblyman Eric Stevenson has been facing community criticism over a perceived flip flop on the issue of stop and frisk. The video below from Occupy the Bronx shows that criticism spilling over at a rally in the Bronx held in support of Reynaldo Cuevas and his family. Reynaldo Cuevas was recently shot and killed by the NYPD. Cuevas was inside the Bodega he worked in when it was being robbed and when he ran out for safety an NYPD officer shot and killed him thinking he was one of the perpetrators. Full Coverage at Occupy the Bronx.
Occupy The Bronx wrote, "Reynaldo Cuevas Relatives, Friends, Community Members and Event Organizers fed up with the political shenanigans politician's play especially when relating to the practices upon communities of color by the NYPD refused the presence of Assemblyman Eric Stevenson who arrived at the event uninvited with media support and afew ex-cops turned community activists geared up to grab mainstream media spot light."
Days after his conflict with the community members took place, Assemblyman Stevenson sat down with Jazz Hayden of allthingsharlem.com to clarify his view on Stop & Frisk and where he stands. Let us know what you think of his response and this issue as a whole.
Special Thanks To The Amsterdam News
On December 12, 2011, Bro. Shaka Shakur, a coordinator of the Peoples Survival Program (PSP) and a respected Bronx & Harlem community activist, was arrested at work after a taskforce of police agents raided his apartment in the Bronx with a baseless warrant. In the course of the raid the police also took the opportunity to violate the home of veteran Black Panther Cyril "Bullwhip" Innis under the guise of an alleged search for illegal weapons.
This was seen at the time as another direct attack by the forces of state repression against those that both organize in the Black/Latino community and; who fearlessly fight against both the US Prison Industrial Complex and the racist police terror conducted daily by the NYPD.
Monday, June 11, 2012 after seven months of organized struggle, and in front of yet another courtroom packed with supporters; the bogus NYPD weapon charges were finally dropped against Bro. Shaka.
In addition to the very strong legal defense in this case, Attorney Michael Tarif Warren pointed out during the victory press conference that "it was both the Bronx Grand Jury's respect and appreciation for Shaka's continuing history of community work and especially the reality of your continuing to pack the court room during any upcoming jury trial; that ultimately convinced the Bronx District Attorney's Office that it was in their best interest to drop the bogus NYPD charges."
Bro. Shaka then addressed the crowd of enthusiastic supporters in reiterating his attorney's analysis that "it was the power of the people that won this victory for the people; But there are still other Anti-Police Terror cases to be supported and the struggle still continues."
On behalf of Bro. Shaka Shakur and his family, The Peoples Survival Program would like to thank CEMOTAP for its "Shaka Shakur Legal Defense Fundraiser"; Activist Attorney Michael Tarif Warren, Esq., his usual legal prowess inside and outside of the courtroom; and especially for the friends, family, activists, supporters and true comrades; Who sacrificed their time by answering the call to help us to "OCCUPY THE COURT HOUSE & KEEP BRO. SHAKA FREE"
On April 18, 2012 supporters, community members and activists came out to support community leader Shaka Shakur in court. The result was that Shaka's case was postponed until May 3, 2012. Please come out and support him for his next court date.
Also as supporters were leaving the the court, court officers attempted to intimidate them by harassing them and issued a disorderly conduct summons to Brother Shep of the People's Survival Program and Universal Zulu Nation while he was trying to leave.
THE BRONX COUNTY CRIMINAL COURT Part B 215 East 161st Street (near Sherman & Sheridan Avenues) Take the C, D or 4 train to the Yankee Stadium/161st Street Station. or take the BX 6 or BX 13 Bus to East 161st Street & Sheridan Avenue; the BX 1 to East 161st Street & Grand Concourse
The supporters of Shaka Shakur gathered outside of the Bronx Criminal Court after his court appearance to be updated by Attorney for Shaka Michael Tariff Warren on February 15, 2012. Thanks for all who turned out and hope to see you at Shaka's next court date will be on April 18th, 2012. UNITY!
Ramarley Graham, an 18 year old boy was shot and killed by the NYPD in his Bronx home on E229th street. Community members, Assemblyman Eric Stevenson, and retired NYPD detective, Chuck Berkely rallied in solidarity against police brutality, stop and frisk, and the NYPD terrorist tactics in the Black community.
R.I.P. Ramarley Graham
Click photo for NY1, report on the incident
The NYPD is totally out of control, they act like the military in Afghanistan, Iraq, and around the world -- serial killers. "Furtive movements" is a totally subjective standard used by the police to justify their unlawful behavior. How do you justify killing a young human being for possession of drugs, an inanimate object that poses no threat to anyone? We need community control of policing, it is the only way to address this madness.
NY1 - Family members are demanding answers after police shot an killed an 18-year-old drug suspect who was apparently unarmed. The shooting happened around 3 p.m. in a building on 229th Street in Wakefield. Police say officers investigating street corner drug dealing approached 18-year-old Ramarley Graham who then took off on foot. An officer chased him into his second-floor apartment where they struggled in a bathroom. The officer fired one shot, hitting Graham in the chest. Police say marijuana was found in the home, but no weapon was recovered. Speaking to reporters, Graham's mother said police went too far. "Like a regular kid, he's like you know, just like any other kid. You know you have kids who get in trouble, simple other stuff. But he wasn't that bad, he wasn't a bad kid. Not the kind of kid who carries guns around and slings no guns, he's not that type of kid," said Graham's mother, Constance Malcolm. This is the third time in the past week that city police officers have shot and killed a suspect.