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Entries in bill de blasio (2)

"Same Kool-aid, only different flavors." - New York City protestors hold demonstration outside Mayor de Blasio's home 

December 15, 2014

While New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio hosted a holiday party at his Gracie Mansion home, protestors gathered outside as part of a demonstration called, #Mansionshutdown.  The Protest was Organized by Justice League NYC as a continued response to the police misconduct and recent killings going on in our communities. 

First is a video of Rapper and activist Immortal Technique who was a part of the protest and spoke to the crowd about the broad issues at hand. He also recited one of his pieces.


In this next video, a protestor discusses the hypocrisy of Mayor Bill De Blasio an and his policing policy of, Broken Windows.  She compares the policy to stop and frisk and policies we have seen in the past.

Justice League's call to action for the protest read as follows, "On Tuesday, December 9th, Justice League NYC sent a letter to Mayor De Blasio to meet with us to discuss our demands. As of today, we have not received a response from anyone in his administration. But tonight he's having a party and Justice League NYC want you to join us-with bells on!"

Change? Mayor-elect Bill De Blasio betrays voters and appoints Bill Bratton as Commisioner of the NYPD

Mayor Elect Bill Deblasio contradicts his campaign promises of changing the status quo in the NYPD and "ending an era of stop and frisk" by naming Bill Bratton as Police Commissioner.  Bratton is one of the lead instigators of formalized racist policing practices such as stop and frisk in the modern era.  He previously served as NYPD Commisioner from 1994 to 1996 under Mayor Rudy Giuliani and began using the NYPD to aggressively attack communities of color throughout the city.  Since then he has spread these tactics around the country and worlwide.  Here in the U.S. Bratton increased the practice of stop and frisk while serving as Police Commisioner in Los Angeles.  He was also sent to London to "deal with" communities of color following the riots there a few years ago.  Bratton has lead and conitinues to lead multiple global security organizations.

Bill Bratton's Wikipedia Page will show you all you need to know to connect the dots to the global police state.  Here is an excerpt from it.



Bratton Technologies, Inc.

Today, Bratton is the CEO of Bratton Technologies (, a venture backed company that operates BlueLine, the first secure, global law enforcement professional network. BlueLine is a platform where officers can find each other, share their expertise, insight and information safely through video, instant messaging, videoconferencing and screen share capabilities. [23]


On August 5, 2009, Bratton announced that after nearly seven years he would be stepping down as chief of police for the City of Los Angeles, and he continued to serve as chief until October 31, 2009.[24] Bratton moved back to New York City to take a position with private international security firm Altegrity Risk International, serving as a Chairman of a new division where he would consult on security for police departments worldwide.[25]


Bratton became the Chairman of Kroll, a corporate investigations and risk consulting firm based in New York on September 16, 2010. In November 9 2012, Bratton stepped down as Chairman and was retained by Kroll as a Senior Advisor. Bratton will continue to work with public entities and private organizations facing complex security or investigatory challenges. Kroll is one of Altegrity, Inc.’s three core businesses.[26]


As of June 27, 2013, Bill Bratton has joined NBC News and MSNBC as an analyst specializing in criminal justice policy and practice, domestic intelligence gathering and the role of local law enforcement in counter-terrorism. His analysis will appear across the various platforms of NBC News and MSNBC and their digital properties.

The Bratton Group

As Chief Executive Officer of the Bratton Group LLC, Bratton provides a wide range of collaborative consulting, leadership, management and public safety network services to both the public and private sector in the U.S. and abroad.

Crest Advisory

Bratton joined Crest Advisory on 5th November 2012.[27]

Crest Advisory [28] provides expert advice to prospective police and crime commissioners (PCCs), criminal justice agencies and the security sector. Crest’s team offer a powerful fusion of policy expertise, political insight, delivery experience and communications support to help communities prevent crime, fear and disorder.

Homeland Security Advisory Council

Bratton is the Vice Chairman of the Homeland Security Advisory Council, whose members provide advice and recommendations on a variety of homeland security issues to the Secretary of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security.


What's next in store for the public with the continuation of the status quo of the NYPD and global policing? Here is a video we shot of Dhoruba Al-Mujahid Bin-Wahad from a few years ago warning us of the police state, Bratton and what we need to do.  He focused on the decentralization of the police department.  Take a look.