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Entries in eric garner (1)

"Same Kool-aid, only different flavors." - New York City protestors hold demonstration outside Mayor de Blasio's home 

December 15, 2014

While New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio hosted a holiday party at his Gracie Mansion home, protestors gathered outside as part of a demonstration called, #Mansionshutdown.  The Protest was Organized by Justice League NYC as a continued response to the police misconduct and recent killings going on in our communities. 

First is a video of Rapper and activist Immortal Technique who was a part of the protest and spoke to the crowd about the broad issues at hand. He also recited one of his pieces.


In this next video, a protestor discusses the hypocrisy of Mayor Bill De Blasio an and his policing policy of, Broken Windows.  She compares the policy to stop and frisk and policies we have seen in the past.

Justice League's call to action for the protest read as follows, "On Tuesday, December 9th, Justice League NYC sent a letter to Mayor De Blasio to meet with us to discuss our demands. As of today, we have not received a response from anyone in his administration. But tonight he's having a party and Justice League NYC want you to join us-with bells on!"