Jazz Hayden asks Raymond Santana if people should be surprised with the not guilty verdict in the George Zimmerman trial considering the jury and everyone else involved with the case was white.
A former Sanford, Florida resident speaks about her experience living there and her feelings on George Zimmerman's not guilt verdict in the killing of Trayvon Martin.
Actor and artist Lou Meyers passed away February 19, 2013 from a heart related emergency. Meyers was most known for his role of Mr. Gaines on the television show, "A Different World' and appearances on "The Cosby Show." Many people were unaware of his role as an activist. All Things Harlem got a chance to hear Lou Meyers speak and community forum about the criminal justice system and mass incarceration. Below is video of the event from our archives. Mr. Meyers begins speaking around 2:10 mark.
Lou Meyers - Photo from Getty ImagesVideo
Our youth are turning to law enforcement because it offers them the best job opportunity, not because of a desire to serve the people. One student even told me that he "hates" the police but he doesn't see an alternative.