Jazz Hayden asks Raymond Santana if people should be surprised with the not guilty verdict in the George Zimmerman trial considering the jury and everyone else involved with the case was white.
A former Sanford, Florida resident speaks about her experience living there and her feelings on George Zimmerman's not guilt verdict in the killing of Trayvon Martin.
Did you know that New York City students are being criminalized for being late to school? This process takes place when the NYPD sets up checkpoints at subway exits that are in close proximity to public schools. They stop the students and ask them a series of personal questions and record that information. This video took place in Harlem, NY at the 135th street station.
Below are a few questions we had and posed in the video. Let us know what your thoughts and feelings are on this NYPD practice. Share your thoughts in the comments section or twitter #schooltoprisonpipeline.
Why are cops stopping students on their way to school when in all public schools there is an officer at the front desk?
This stop took about 10 minutes. Doesn't this practice make students later for school?
Could these stops deter students from attending on days that they are running late?
What is being done with the information collected by the NYPD?
How do parents feel about their children being stopped and questioned without their consent?
Are these students commuting by train because there isn't a good school in their neighborhood?
One of the most disturbing parts of this video is that the students appear unfazed. These police abuses have become Normalized. But this is not normal!
If young suburban students were stopped by police on their way to school you would likely see fear and tears in their eyes. Followed up by outrage from parents and the school board.
This young crew of kids impressed some passengers and left others annoyed or frightened with their acrobatic break dancing moves inside this New York City train car. They are tremendously talented and entrepreneurial. Many people find these young crews annoying to see during their subway commutes. What do you think?
This man seemed to be enjoying whatever was playing in his headphones cause he was singing and dancing to himself as if know one else was around. Do you think he was crazy or just really feeling the music?
It's been almost 4 years since Israel's last major acts of military agression against Palestinian's in Gaza. This was All Things Harlem coverage of New Yorkers reaction to this military campaign 4 years ago. What has changed?
Photos from Rally/March to Israeli Consulate 01/03/2009 from All Things Harlem on Vimeo.
Rally Against Israeli Aggression in Gaza - Harlem State Office Building 01-10-2009 from All Things Harlem on Vimeo.
Answer Coalition on Gaza - 01-09-09 from All Things Harlem on Vimeo.
On April 18, 2012 supporters, community members and activists came out to support community leader Shaka Shakur in court. The result was that Shaka's case was postponed until May 3, 2012. Please come out and support him for his next court date.
Also as supporters were leaving the the court, court officers attempted to intimidate them by harassing them and issued a disorderly conduct summons to Brother Shep of the People's Survival Program and Universal Zulu Nation while he was trying to leave.
On April 17, 2012 supporters, community members and activists came out to support Joseph "Jazz" Hayden in court. Before heading into court there was a press conference that included speakers, Sarah Kunstler, Robert Gangi, Johanna Fernandez, King Downing, Laura Whitehorn, Lewis Webb and Joseph "Jazz" Hayden.
This was Jazz's third time in court for felony charges he is facing in an attempted retaliation by the NYPD to stop his activist work, which entails filming the police in the Harlem community. Full details here, http://bit.ly/AmEj6y
After only a few minutes in court Jazz's case was postponed to July 31, 2012.
Supporters headed back outside and recapped what happened and whats the next step. They also addressed the long line of people who were heading into court that day. Letting them know that "they are not the criminals" and that its really the system that is criminal.
A man who was heading into court stepped out of the line to tell us his story of how he was wrongfully arrested for carrying his work tools and being stopped and frisked and accused of Felony Possession of a Weapon.
Shaka Shakur another one of our community leaders who is facing retaliation from the NYPD with a case of his own also spoke along with Brother Shep of the Universal Zulu Nation. They further elaborated on the bigger picture of this unjust and racist system that is being used to destroy our communities. Brother Shep urged the audience to go to Washington D.C. next week to Occupy the Justice Department. See occupythejusticedepartment.com for details.
It was a packed house for Gil Noble's public wake at Abyssinian Baptist Church in Harlem, NY on April 12, 2012. Everyone including family, friends, colleagues and fans turned out to celebrate Gil Noble, the longtime host and producer of his groundbreaking and famous weekly news show, Like It Is. Noble's show was truly Pan-African focusing on the black experience on a local, national and international level.
We at All Things Harlem salute Gil Noble and continue to be inspired and influenced by him.
If you can please support the preservation and digitization of the Gil Noble archives please donate to Gil Noble Archives, P.O. Box 43138, Upper Montclair, NJ 07043.
Here is a video snapshot of the Millions Hoodies March for Travon Martin in Union Square, New York City on March 21, 2012.
The speaker is Brian Jones a Teacher, Writer and Activist we interviewed during the rally/march. He connects the killing of Trayvon Martin to Michelle Alexander's book, The New Jim Crow and the view of black and brown men as criminals. The results of this criminalization has not only led to the mass incarceration of black men but also the murder of them like what happened with Trayvon Martin.
The turnout for Trayvon Martin was huge. The voices of our youth were loud and clear "we are all Trayvon Martin." We no longer need to feel like lone voices crying in the wilderness, our youth have come, the people are awakening. Death to ignorance and inhumanity!
Photos from Rally/March to Israeli Consulate 01/03/2009 from All Things Harlem on Vimeo.
Why is Israel bombing?