Victory for Jazz Hayden!
By: Brian Jones
Facing up to 14 years in prison for 2 felony counts of weapon possession discovered during a traffic stop, Joseph “Jazz” Hayden emerged from court this morning with an ACD (Adjournment in Contemplation of Dismissal), a small fine, 5 days of community service.
Anyone who has followed this case knows that the charges were bogus. The “weapons” were a small pen knife and a miniature commemorative baseball bat. In reality, these charges were nothing but retaliation for Jazz’s activism to expose the brutal reality of the NYPD’s “Stop and Frisk” policy.
The ACD and community service really only serve to allow the District Attorney to save face. The fact is every day is community service for Jazz, which is why so many people showed up time after time to these court appearances. Jazz is a 71 year old activist who has been doggedly documenting police behavior in Harlem. His case has been discussed widely in the media.
Outside the courtroom, Jazz smiled and thanked his supporters. “This victory is because of y’all,” he said, “your protest, your phone calls, your petitions, and your presence here. I love you.”
The feeling is mutual.
Pack the Court for Jazz Hayden
**THIS THURSDAY**October 11, 8:30am, 100 Centre St - RALLY & PACK THE COURT
Keep Jazz Hayden Free!
We must stand together and stop the criminal "justice" system, NYPD and DA from putting Jazz behind bars for 14 yeas for his courageous activism against Stop & Frisk, police brutality and the New Jim Crow! Film the Police! No Justice, No Peace!
Bring a poster and bring friends. This is an urgent week in the campaign to keep Jazz Free! Despite over 2,000 of us raising our voices, and despite the obviously retaliatory nature of the charges, Jazz is still facing a court date this Thursday, October 11th, that threatens his freedom. Jazz is a 71-year old grandfather and community activist, unflinchingly devoted to defending the people of Harlem and New York from the racist police humiliation and brutality communities of color experience on a daily basis. The NYPD and the courts are using bogus weapons charges to try to silence his cop watch activities and send a chilling message to the rest of us. Jazz is facing a possible 14 years in prison. TURN OUT ON OCTOBER 11!! We need to send a strong message to the DA and everyone who enters the courthouse: WE STAND BY JAZZ HAYDEN!
Sign Jazz’s petition and learn more about his case at www.freejazzhayden.wordpress.com
Watch Jazz's Video Coverage of Michelle Alexander, Angela Davis, Cornel West, Mumia's call-in, Jazz himself, & more speaking at Riverside Church, Fri., Sept. 14, http://www.allthingsharlem.com/all-things-harlem/2012/9/17/end-mass-incarceration-event-at-riverside-church.html