All Things Harlem received this video last night of an apparent arrest in Crown Heights Brooklyn. If you pay close attention to the 00.17 second mark you will notice the officers on top of the man punch him the back of the headhttp://www.allthingsharlem.com/.
Here is the description from the person who filmed the arrest.
This is a video taken from an apartment window that shows the tail end of some serious police brutality. The beating takes place in an alleyway in Crown Heights, Brooklyn, between Union St. and President St, near Albany Ave. The incident occurred at about 1pm on 12/19/12. If you have any information about the person in this video, or are the person who was beaten and want to make some sort of civil claim contact or youtube channel 801angelicupstart.
Or you can contact us directly at info@allthingsharlem.com
Chang W. Lee/The New York Times - Justice Thomas D. Raffaele said a police officer in Queens, enraged at a jeering crowd, hit him in the throat on Friday.
ATH - Yet another case of the NYPD out of control. Even this 69-year-old white Judge couldn't escape this dysfunctional police force that believes it can do anything it wants and get away with it. If this Judge was just a regular citizen he would likely be facing charges of disorderly conduct of trying to assualt an officer.
NYPD strikes again, brutally beating a Bronx Teen, Jatiek Reed, 19, last week. The incident was caught on video and is another example of a Police department that is out of control and brutalizing our communties. Even Police Commissioner Ray Kelly who almost never admits any wrong doing on behalf of the NYPD stated that, "the video was disturbing." The officers in the video were also stripped of their guns for the time being and put on desk duty while NYPD investigates the incident internally. This incident and the filming of it further empasizes the importance of citizens taking out their cameras and monitoring police activity. If this video had not come out this would just be another everyday case of the police officers word verse the victims word. All Things Harlem urges our viewers to please film police activity in our communities.
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On September 22, 2011, CUNY law students participated in the march for Troy Davis. Green hats were worn by the law students to represent the National Lawyers Guild. At 0:04 seconds of this video, a woman representative is aggressively forearmed in the head and neck and pushed out of the frame by an NYPD officer.