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Jazz Hayden                           - Opinion Blog

The New Jim Crow


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Victory in Court for Jazz Hayden

Victory for Jazz Hayden!
By: Brian Jones

Facing up to 14 years in prison for 2 felony counts of weapon possession discovered during a traffic stop, Joseph “Jazz” Hayden emerged from court this morning with an ACD (Adjournment in Contemplation of Dismissal), a small fine, 5 days of community service.
Anyone who has followed this case knows that the charges were bogus. The “weapons” were a small pen knife and a miniature commemorative baseball bat. In reality, these charges were nothing but retaliation for Jazz’s activism to expose the brutal reality of the NYPD’s “Stop and Frisk” policy.

The ACD and community service really only serve to allow the District Attorney to save face. The fact is every day is community service for Jazz, which is why so many people showed up time after time to these court appearances. Jazz is a 71 year old activist who has been doggedly documenting police behavior in Harlem. His case has been discussed widely in the media.

Outside the courtroom, Jazz smiled and thanked his supporters. “This victory is because of y’all,” he said, “your protest, your phone calls, your petitions, and your presence here. I love you.”

The feeling is mutual.

EMERGENCY! Jazz Hayden’s Freedom is On the Line! Urgent Action to Keep Jazz Free

Pack the Court for Jazz Hayden

**THIS THURSDAY**October 11, 8:30am, 100 Centre St - RALLY & PACK THE COURT

Keep Jazz Hayden Free! 

We must stand together and stop the criminal "justice" system, NYPD and DA from putting Jazz behind bars for 14 yeas for his courageous activism against Stop & Frisk, police brutality and the New Jim Crow! Film the Police! No Justice, No Peace! 

Bring a poster and bring friends.  This is an urgent week in the campaign to keep Jazz Free! Despite over 2,000 of us raising our voices, and despite the obviously retaliatory nature of the charges, Jazz is still facing a court date this Thursday, October 11th, that threatens his freedom.  Jazz is a 71-year old grandfather and community activist, unflinchingly devoted to defending the people of Harlem and New York from the racist police humiliation and brutality communities of color experience on a daily basis. The NYPD and the courts are using bogus weapons charges to try to silence his cop watch activities and send a chilling message to the rest of us. Jazz is facing a possible 14 years in prison.   TURN OUT ON OCTOBER 11!! We need to send a strong message to the DA and everyone who enters the courthouse: WE STAND BY JAZZ HAYDEN! 

Sign Jazz’s petition and learn more about his case at 

Watch Jazz's Video Coverage of Michelle Alexander, Angela Davis, Cornel West, Mumia's call-in, Jazz himself, & more speaking at Riverside Church, Fri., Sept. 14, 

Farrakhan Speaks To Harlem

Minister Farrakhan, of the Nation of Islam, did a tour of New York City.  He addressed the loss of "community" in Harlem.  He spoke of a time when the residents of Harlem didn't lock their doors and how that has changed to a community where we fear one another.  Filmed by Jazz Hayden.

African American Day Parade - 2012

Here is a video of some sites and sounds from the African American Day Parade in Harlem on September 16, 2012.  Video filmed by Jazz Hayden.

Bronx Assemblyman Eric Stevenson takes heat over Stop and Frisk comments

Bronx Assemblyman Eric Stevenson has been facing community criticism over a perceived flip flop on the issue of stop and frisk.  The video below from Occupy the Bronx shows that criticism spilling over at a rally in the Bronx held in support of Reynaldo Cuevas and his family.  Reynaldo Cuevas was recently shot and killed by the NYPD.  Cuevas was inside the Bodega he worked in when it was being robbed and when he ran out for safety an NYPD officer shot and killed him thinking he was one of the perpetrators.  Full Coverage at Occupy the Bronx.

Occupy The Bronx wrote, "Reynaldo Cuevas Relatives, Friends, Community Members and Event Organizers fed up with the political shenanigans politician's play especially when relating to the practices upon communities of color by the NYPD refused the presence of Assemblyman Eric Stevenson who arrived at the event uninvited with media support and afew ex-cops turned community activists geared up to grab mainstream media spot light."

Days after his conflict with the community members took place, Assemblyman Stevenson sat down with Jazz Hayden of to clarify his view on Stop & Frisk and where he stands.  Let us know what you think of his response and this issue as a whole.   





End Mass Incarceration Event at Riverside Church

Angela Davis and Michelle Alexander take part in a panel discussion on the issue of mass incarceration at Riverside Church in New York City on September 14, 2012.  They answer the questions of, what is the problem of mass incarceration and what does it say about the United States society?

More Video to Come...

Event: End Mass Incarceration, Free Mumia, Close Down Attica

Jazz Hayden's case profiled in The New York Times

Andrea Mohin/The New York Times

NY Times - In the streets of his native Harlem, Joseph Hayden is a familiar presence, patrolling the neighborhood with his video camera, ready to document interactions between the police and the residents they stop — and doing so at an age when most people have retired.

“Like I tell them,” Mr. Hayden, 71, said recently of the police, “I’m on your side to make sure there is courtesy, professionalism and respect. Isn’t that what you advertise on the side of your car?”

Full Story at NY Times

Urgent action to support Jazz Hayden before Grand Jury Hearing

More info on the case

CopWatch Video Playlist Shot by Jazz Hayden and ATH

Keep Jazz Free - Delivery of Petitions and Letters Telling DA Cyrus Vance to Drop the Charges Against Jazz Hayden

Delivery of over 2,000 petitions and letters telling DA Cyrus Vance to drop the charges against Jazz Hayden.

EMERGENCY! Jazz Hayden's Freedom is On the Line

Two Urgent Actions to Keep Jazz Free:


Thursday, September 13th, 8:30 am -1 Hogan Place

(near Centre and Worth Streets, around the corner from courthouse at 100 Centre Street; Trains: 4/5/6/N/R to Brooklyn Bridge/City Hall; Q to Canal; A/C/J/Z to Chambers)

Join us at the press conference & rally
And earlier in the week...


    Tuesday, September11th

    Call Manhattan DA Cyrus Vance's office: Attorney William Darrow, tel. 212-335-9192

    Tell Darrow to Drop the Charges Against Jazz Hayden! We want to keep Jazz Free!

This is an urgent week in the campaign to keep Jazz free! Despite over 2,000 of us raising our voices, and despite the obviously retaliatory nature of the charges, District Attorney Cyrus Vance has re-affirmed he intends to pursue an indictment at the Grand Jury hearing this Thursday.

Jazz is a 71-year old grandfather and community activist, unflinchingly devoted to defending the people of Harlem and New York from the racist police humiliation and brutality communities of color experience on a daily basis. The NYPD and the courts are using bogus weapons charges to try to silence his cop watch activities and send a chilling message to the rest of us. Jazz is facing a possible 14 years in prison.  

TURN OUT ON SEPTEMBER 13!! We need to send a strong message to jurors and the prosecutors as they enter the courthouse: WE STAND BY JAZZ HAYDEN!

CALL THE DISTRICT ATTORNEY ON SEPTEMBER 11!! Take just two minutes on Tuesday to flood their phone lines with one clear message: drop the trumped-up charges against Jazz Hayden! Call Attorney William Darrow at 212-335-9192 and tell him to stop persecuting Jazz for his community service!

Sign Jazz's petition and learn more about his case at

EMERGENCY! Jazz Hayden’s Freedom is On the Line!

Two Urgent Actions to Keep Jazz Free:


Thursday, September 13th, 8:30 am -1 Hogan Place

(near Centre and Worth Streets, around the corner from courthouse at 100 Centre Street; Trains: 4/5/6/N/R to Brooklyn Bridge/City Hall; Q to Canal; A/C/J/Z to Chambers)

Join us at the press conference & rally

And earlier in the week...

Tuesday, September11th

Call Manhattan DA Cyrus Vance’s office: Attorney William Darrow, tel. 212-335-9192

Tell Darrow to Drop the Charges Against Jazz Hayden! We want to keep Jazz Free!

This is an urgent week in the campaign to keep Jazz free! Despite over 2,000 of us raising our voices, and despite the obviously retaliatory nature of the charges, District Attorney Cyrus Vance has re-affirmed he intends to pursue an indictment at the Grand Jury hearing this Thursday.

Jazz is a 71-year old grandfather and community activist, unflinchingly devoted to defending the people of Harlem and New York from the racist police humiliation and brutality communities of color experience on a daily basis. The NYPD and the courts are using bogus weapons charges to try to silence his cop watch activities and send a chilling message to the rest of us. Jazz is facing a possible 14 years in prison.  

TURN OUT ON SEPTEMBER 13!! We need to send a strong message to jurors and the prosecutors as they enter the courthouse: WE STAND BY JAZZ HAYDEN!

CALL THE DISTRICT ATTORNEY ON SEPTEMBER 11!! Take just two minutes on Tuesday to flood their phone lines with one clear message: drop the trumped-up charges against Jazz Hayden! Call Attorney William Darrow at 212-335-9192 and tell him to stop persecuting Jazz for his community service!

Sign Jazz’s petition and learn more about his case at

ACTION: Rally at Manhattan DA Cyrus Vance’s Office

Thursday, September 6th, 10am - 1 Hogan Place
(near Centre and Worth Streets, 1 block East of 100 Centre Street)
Trains: 4/5/6/N/R to Brooklyn Bridge/City Hall; Q to Canal; A/C/J/Z to Chambers

Click to read more ...

Video: Rally at 32nd Precinct in Support of Jazz Hayden

           Shaka Shakur - community activist and member of, The People's Survival Program, speaks to the crowd of supporters and the NYPD outside of the 32nd precinct in Harlem.  He emphasizes the importance of using a the video camera as a weapon against police abuse in our community.               

Why The Police? Jazz Hayden asks this question to students at John Jay College

Our youth are turning to law enforcement because it offers them the best job opportunity, not because of a desire to serve the people. One student even told me that he "hates" the police but he doesn't see an alternative.

Click to read more ...

Operation SNUG - panel discussion on Jim Crow and the role of Police

Operation S.N.U.G. (“guns” spelled backwards) is a multi-faceted, community empowerment
and youth development approach in response to the increase in gun and gang violence by youth
and young adults throughout New York State.

They held a panel discussion on Malcolm X Blvd on youth violence, police community relations, and Jim Crow.  Here is video from the event.

Click For More Video Coverage

Bill Clinton Speaks at Sylvia Woods Wake at Abyssinian Baptist Church in Harlem

On July 24th, the Harlem community gathered to honor and remember Sylvia Woods at Abyssinian Baptist Church in Harlem.  Sylvia's, Queen of Soul Food Restaurant has and continues to be a blessing in the Harlem community.  Sylvia and her family have successfully run one of the most successful and iconic restaurant in Harlem.  The food is delicious and it's a place where you always feel welcome.  Many times Sylvia would be right there to greet you or ask you how your meal was.  She was truly a beautiful person.  Her and her family also made sure to give back to the Harlem by starting a scholarship fund in their name for children in community.

In this video former President, Bill Clinton talks about his own memories of Syliva Woods and her restaurant.

We Salute Fellow Cop Watcher, "Nycresistance"

We have gotten to know "Nycresistance" from his work videoing police incidents in our communities over the past few years.  If you haven't had the chance to view any of his work you need to take a look.  He is a true fighter for justice and truth and All Things Harlem commends him to the utmost.  His work further reveals the depth of the misconduct, harassment and human rights abuses of the NYPD carries out in communities of color.

Make sure to check his great videos on his youtube channel or his blog.

View more select videos here.

Teenage Girl in Harlem Harassed and Falsely Handcuffed By the NYPD

Alexis Sumpter 15-years-old (PHOTO from NY DAILY NEWS)

An over-aggressive NYPD strikes again, this time harrassing and handcuffing Alexis Sumpter a 15-year-old Harlem girl.  The NYPD assumed that Sumpter was too old to be using the student metrocard she used to enter the subway.  Alexis explained to the officers that she was only 15 but since she didn't have her ID on her the officers roughly brought her upstairs and handcuffed her.  After the brutality things were cleared up and Alexis was not arrested or given a summons. 

Video of Alexis describing the incident.

Town Hall Meeting - The Campaign To End The New Jim Crow 

Share what you think about Stop & Frisk and Mass Incarceration, and join others to organize to put an end to these racist practices, to organize defense campaigns for Jazz Hayden and other activists, and to discuss plans for the next town hall where we want to move on the next steps necessary to achieve real solutions. 

Click For Details

Video: Drop The Charges - Jazz Hayden in Court - July 31, 2012

Coverage on NY1

Jazz Speaks to NY1's Natasha Ghoneim outside Manhattan Criminal Court

Jazz Hayden along with a large group of supporters packed Manhattan Criminal Courthouse inside and out on the morning of July 31, 2012.  They were there demanding that District Attorney Cyrus Vance drop the charges against Jazz Hayden.  The charges against Jazz are seen to be retaliation for his filming and scrutiny of police activities in the Harlem community.  

The Judge set another date for Jazz's case on October 11, 2012 in anticipation of a grand jury indictment.  The grand jury will be convened sometime during September (TBA).  The supporters plan to mobilize around both events of these dates.    

To keep up with Jazz's case or get involved go to


Sign the petition

David Galarza speaks to the importance of filming police activities in our communities to show the truth in whats going on.  He describes a recent video he shot of an NYPD officer fondling and body slamming a young teenager.  He tells of how the news reported it as a good job by the officer while his video tells a different story.  

While David is speaking you will notice that one of the court officers behind him is filming him and the group of supporters.  Why? And what will they do with this tape we don't know.

Click to read more ...

Reminder: Support Jazz Hayden in Court Tomorrow Morning


Join us on the courthouse steps Tuesday, July 31, 2012  8:30 AM  100 Centre Street  New York, NY  Joseph "Jazz" Hayden is facing 2 to 7 years in prison for two counts of Possession of a Weapon in the Third Degree. These are bogus charges: his arrest was a retaliatory act on the part of the police against a long-time neighborhood cop watch activist and police reform advocate.

Read More

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