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All Things Harlem & Beyond - news, info and newsworthy links

Remembering Our Hero Malcolm X

Today is the 48th Anniversary of the killing of the brilliant hero, Malcolm X.  While he may have left us in the physical sense, his message and spirit are still present.  Today more than ever we continue to need Malcolm's message because many of the issues he fought against surrounding racism and human rights violations are still present in our society.  We often wonder what Malcolm would have to say if he were here today.  Thankfully we can still draw from his writings and speeches.  Take the time out to do so for yourself and get connected/reconnected with this brilliant man.  You can find many of his famous speeches on youtube these days so take a look and listen up.  

In this election year in New York City, we thought sharing this speech made by Malcolm known as, "The Ballot of The Bullet" to be very appropriate.  Enjoy.


Music In the Subway

Click Picture for Video

Throughout the subway system you can find talented musicians singers and dancers.  All Things Harlem filmed a few different musical groups in the subway ranging from "Ebony Hillbillies" to classic doo-wop.  Enjoy the videos and keep a look out for other great talents underground.

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Event: Justice For Ramarley Graham - Rally and March

Join Us on the One Year Anniversary of the Murder of Ramarley Graham, Killed by NYPD in the Bronx
As we approach the one year memorial of the shooting death of 18-yr. old Ramarley Graham in the northeast Bronx by NYPD officer Richard Haste. Haste has been indicted on manslaughter charges and is facing his next court date in March.
Ramarley's Call is asking all who believe in justice to join us on Saturday, Feb. 2nd as we commemorate the life of Ramarley Graham.  We will be holding a candlelight vigil, a march to the 47th precinct and a memorial for Ramarley in the local church. 
Sat., Feb. 2
749 East 229thsst. (1 block east of White Plains Road)
2 PM
Train: 2 train to 225th St.

Mayoral Hopefuls Debate at National Action Network in Harlem

On January 15, 2013 potential Democratic Mayoral candidates debated issues at Al Sharpton's Nation Action Network headquarters in Harlem. The annual event was in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.  Community members and other politician were also in attendance. 

The potential candidates included City Comptroller John Liu, Public Advocate Bill Deblasio, City Council Speaker Christine Quinn, Former City Comptroller Bill Thompson and former City Council Member Sal Albanese.  They discussed issues important to the Harlem community like, improving education, the NYPD's stop and frisk policy, and who they would make next police commisioner.

Click on the picture below for video of the debate.

Skip to 01:41:00 for beginning of debate and also look for other parts labeled MLK JAN 15, 2013 PART 3 and PART 4

Screenshot from NAN Mayoral Debate

All Things Harlem's take on this debate is that the candidate with the most clear answers to the questions was John Liu.  For example, he was the only candidate to make a clear distinction on the issue of stop and frisk saying that he would do away with the policy completely.  All the other candidates answers were much more ambiguous but were leaning more towards reforming the program and not ending it. 

What do you think about the debate?  Do you have a better idea of who you would support in the Democratic primary?


Support the Central Park Five - Come to Court

There will also be a rally in Foley Square following the court proceedings. 

Comptroller John Liu pushes for closure in the Central Park Five Case

Click on Image to view Video


Contact: Stephanie Hoo, (212) 669-3747
January 4, 2013


Comptroller Offers Own Office to Settle $250 Million Civil-Rights Suit

View in pdf

NEW YORK, N.Y. – Citing the decade-long litigation that has resulted in escalating legal fees and tied up valuable City resources, City Comptroller John C. Liu today called for the New York City Law Department and the lawyers representing the “Central Park Five” in their $250 million civil-rights lawsuit to break their stalemate and conclude a settlement as soon as possible.

At a press conference in Harlem, Liu offered the legal expertise of his office and the around-the-clock use of his boardroom to help the parties to come together and work out a settlement for the five young men, who were wrongfully sent to prison for an April 1989 crime.

Following are Comptroller Liu’s remarks, as prepared for delivery:

“Nineteen Eighty-Nine was a painful period in New York City’s history. That year, the City recorded nearly 2,000 murders, countless other violent crimes, and was suffering the devastating effects of a national crack epidemic.

“On April 19th of that year, a 28-year-old female jogger was brutally attacked and raped in Central Park. Almost immediately after this heinous crime, police investigations began to focus on a group of five African American and Latino youths, aged 14 to 16, who came to be known as the ‘Central Park Five.’

“Following lengthy interrogations, the five teenagers – Yusef Salaam, Kevin Richardson, Antron McCray, Raymond Santana, and Korey Wise – confessed to the crime. The following year, the five were convicted and sentenced to terms ranging from 5 to 15 years.  

“In early 2002, Matias Reyes, a convicted murderer and rapist, confessed that he alone was responsible for the attack on the Central Park jogger. On December 19, 2002, on the recommendation of Manhattan District Attorney Robert Morgenthau, the five convictions were vacated by Justice Charles Tejada.

“Since 2003, the ‘Central Park Five’ and the New York City Law Department have been engaged in complex and costly litigation that has yet to be settled. As of now, multiple causes of actions are pending in this federal case, including malicious prosecution, racial discrimination, and lack of due process.

“Both as a New Yorker and as the Comptroller, I am deeply troubled by the fact that this civil-rights case remains unresolved more than a decade after these convictions were vacated and nearly a quarter of a century after the occurrence of the crime that another individual has confessed to committing. These five kids may not have been angels, but that does not change the fact that they were imprisoned for a crime perpetrated by another person. Collectively, they spent more than 30 years in prison. While no monetary award could fully repay them for this imprisonment, the City must make an effort to correct this tremendous injustice, which robbed them of their youth.

“Their imprisonment also wreaked havoc on their families. Parents not only lost their sons to prison, but also had to live through the indignity of having their children compared to vicious animals, as the press labeled them with such racially charged expressions as ‘wilding’ and ‘wolf pack.’  They endured multiple trials: first by the tabloid media, which jumped to judgment, and then by prosecutors, who screened what later proved to be false confessions in the courtroom.

 “The Comptroller’s Office has the authority and extensive experience settling claims before litigation and approving settlements proposed by the Law Department post-litigation. Last fiscal year, the City paid out $550.4 million for the settlement of claims and payments of judgments; $185.6 million of which were against the NYPD and an additional $84 million of which involved a variety of civil-rights violations.

Click to read more ...

The Last Fire Watchtower


The Standouters - Built by Julius Kroehl in 1857, the fire tower stands 47 feet high and sits in Marcus Garvey Park. It was one of eight in Manhattan. Manned by volunteers, fire watchtowers communicated by Morse code and rang the bell to signal where the blaze was located.

However, by the late 1870s, the widespread use of fire call boxes and the growing number of skyscrapers made the towers obsolete. Many were eventually torn down but the one in Marcus Garvey Park remained primarily because its isolated location and popularity with the community.

Aside from a 1938 modification, which added the acropolis, the base the tower sits upon, it has not undergone any major renovations and has fallen into serious disrepair. With the support of elected officials, Harlem community groups are working to raise money to save this historic landmark.

For more great stories like this, "Like" The Standouters page on Facebook or check out the Youtube Channel.

All Things Harlem Video Clip Featured on Google's Year in Review TV Commercial

Screenshot of All Things Harlem Video Clip Used in Google Zeitgeist 2012 Commercial

While you're watching the New Years Eve television coverage tonight keep a look out for Google's Year in Review commercial.  This commercial features a clip from's coverage of the Million Hoodie March for Trayvon Martin in Union Square in New York City.  Though it is literally just one second, it still feels like an honor to be selected among the over trillion videos uploaded to youtube this year.  We thank Google for this recognition and look forward to another great year of providing coverage for our community.

Here is a schedule of the when the commercial will be airing.

Police Incident caught on video in Brooklyn - Looking for Information


All Things Harlem received this video last night of an apparent arrest in Crown Heights Brooklyn. If you pay close attention to the 00.17 second mark you will notice the officers on top of the man punch him the back of the head

Here is the description from the person who filmed the arrest.

This is a video taken from an apartment window that shows the tail end of some serious police brutality. The beating takes place in an alleyway in Crown Heights, Brooklyn, between Union St. and President St, near Albany Ave. The incident occurred at about 1pm on 12/19/12. If you have any information about the person in this video, or are the person who was beaten and want to make some sort of civil claim contact or youtube channel 801angelicupstart. 

Or you can contact us directly at



Pack The Courthouse in support of Ramarley Graham and his family

New Film Highlights the Failure of the Drug War

Video from breakingthetaboofilm

Breaking The Taboo is a new film that highlights the tremendous failure of the War on Drugs and its consequences.  This film that is narrated by Morgan Freeman is a must see.  

Charges Dropped Against Brother Shep

VIDEO from debragood

Congratulations to community activist, Brother Shep and everyone who fought on his behalf.  His bogus charges of disorderly conduct were dropped.  Another great victory for the people.  To find out more or get involved with about the great community work that Brother Shep is involved with visit

ATH Archives - Coverage of NYC reaction to Israeli Aggression in Gaza 4 years ago

It's been almost 4 years since Israel's last major acts of military agression against Palestinian's in Gaza. This was All Things Harlem coverage of New Yorkers reaction to this military campaign 4 years ago.  What has changed?

Photos: from Rally/March to Israeli Consulate - 01/03/2009

Photos from Rally/March to Israeli Consulate 01/03/2009 from All Things Harlem on Vimeo.


Video: Rally Against Israeli Aggression in Gaza - Harlem State Office Building 01-10-2009

Rally Against Israeli Aggression in Gaza - Harlem State Office Building 01-10-2009 from All Things Harlem on Vimeo.


Video: Answer Coalition on Gaza - 01-09-09

Answer Coalition on Gaza - 01-09-09 from All Things Harlem on Vimeo.


"Drop the Charges Against Sadiki "Bro. Shep" Ojore Olugbala!" 

NY Collective of Activists Against Judicial Injustice 




 Brother Shep’s (Shepard P. McDaniel) 

Court Appearance 

 Thursday, November 15, 2012 9:00 AM 

 The Bronx County Hall of Justice 

(The "new" Court House across the street from the shopping mall) 

265 East 161st Street 

Part TAP1 Lower Level 





During this past Spring's "Bogus Weapons Case" against Bro. Shaka Shakur; "Original" Black  Panther Party Veteran and longtime community activist Sadiki "Shep" Ojore Olugbala was identified  as a leader, politically targeted and unjustly arrested inside of the Bronx Criminal Court house for his  experienced supervision in the orderly departure of both Bro. Shaka's attorney and his many  supporters from the courtroom. This arrest was made at the same time that several other court  officers were engaged in a heated discussion with Bro. Shaka’s noted activist attorney Michael "Tarif"  Warren in regards his objection of the court officers overall disrespect towards those people who had  come to the trial in support of Bro. Shaka. Unfortunately, despite yet another court victory by the  people The State has decided to still make an example of Bro. Shep in order to have him imprisoned  and; To continue its current city-wide court campaign to "intimidate & curtail" the growing peoples  movement to "Pack The Court House" in support of both organizers and/or the victims of Police  Terror by the NYPD. Finally, in addition to the criminal charges in Bro. Shep's case, is the very real  question of whether or not the people can actually receive a fair and unbiased trial when both the  arresting NYS Court Officers and the presiding NYS Court Judges personally know, socialize and  work with each other on a regular basis. This legal contradiction, as well as the aforementioned City-  Wide Court Campaign to violate our 1st Amendment Constitutional Rights both inside & outside the  courthouse, will be addressed during this trial as well.  



Jazz Hayden's Case Featured on ABC's, "Here and Now"


ABC, Chan. 7, “HERE AND NOW” – Sun. Nov. 4, 2012

Sandra Bookman talks with Joseph Jazz Hayden, the founder of The website has been documenting some of the stop-and-frisk policy cases against the NYPD -- including Hayden's own case. They will be joined by Hayden's attorney, Gideon Oliver, and Noel Leader, the co-founder of 100 Blacks in Law Enforcement Who Care.

Break Dancing in the Subway


Let's take a "BREAK" from the war for justice and check out our beautiful and talented young people. "Lock me up for filming this." - Jazz Hayden

Singing Gospel in the Subway


When taking the subway at 125th street if you are lucky you will get the chance to witness the beautiful voice of Alethia singing the gospel with an angelic voice that has the stamp of the black church written all over it.

Forum on Stop and Frisk at John Jay College


John Jay College held a forum on Stop & Frisk and this is a presentation of their research and findings.  Here is yet at another example of research, facts and finding showing just how unjust this policy is.  What will it take for us to end this practice?

Update from Bro. Shep's Court Appearance


On October 26, 2012 Brother Shep had to appear in court to answer a disorderly conduct charge pinned on him following a confrontation with some overly aggressive court officers following a court appearance by Shaka Shakur. The court officer who charged Brother Shep did not appear and the case was postponed.

Keep "Bro.Shep" Free!


9:00 AM SHARP!

215 E.161st STREET


During the spring trial of activist Shaka Shakur, veteran Black Panther and long time community activist Sadiki "Bro. Shep" Ojore Olugbala was unjustly targeted as a leader in the campaign in support of Shakur and arrested inside of the Bronx Criminal Courthouse.  This arrest was made while other court officers were engaged in a heated discussion with activist attorney Michael "Tarif" Warren about the court’s treatment of and disrespect towards Bro. Shaka’s supporters.

Despite winning Shakur’s acquittal, District Attorney Robert Johnson and the courts have decided to make an example of Bro. Shep by attempting to imprison him, contributing to a current city-wide campaign to intimidate the growing movement of both organizers and the victims of police terror by the NYPD.

The prosecution of criminal charges against Bro. Shep shows all too clearly the illegal restrictions on activists demonstrating their courtroom support by wearing political buttons and t-shirts, as well as the harassment of activists expressing their basic civil liberties by leafleting outside of the courthouse. His arrest also raises the question of whether those facing criminal charges in the Bronx can actually receive a fair and unbiased trial, given the close personal and professional ties between the arresting NYS Court Officers and the judges.

Defend Bro. Shep and support the campaign for justice for all those who struggle against police violence and terror. Drop the charges now!

All Power To The People!